Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Nostalgia with my daughters

Yes, I know, I missed my blog post last night, but I was finishing up (and finally catching up) on Game of Thrones. No excuse, I know, but as I am watching new shows, I can't help but remember all of the shows that I watched as a kid, some of those which my girls are watching now on Nick at Nite (this is the time when you know you are old).

First off, this weekend, the girls and I watched The Neverending Story and The Goonies.  This was the 2nd time Cadyn watched The Neverending Story and immediately when it came on, she asked, "Is this the one where the horse dies in the quicksand?"  I chuckled and said, "Yes" and she started freaking out!  She and Austin actually watched the whole thing, loved Falcor and were relieved that Artax came back at the end.

Now, Goonies is a love of our family!  HEY, YOU, GUUUUUYS!  So much so, that Cadyn got Wildcat of the Week in class this week and put Goonies as her favorite movie.  I don't know how true this is, but the fact that she put it down means she loves it. WE love it.

Another favorite of theirs is Home Alone.  Good ol' Macauley Caulkin..nothing could go wrong!  :)

Let's talk about what the girls love to watch on T.V.  Their favorite: Full House.  Second favorite, Friends.  They will also put on Fresh Prince of Bel-Air from time to time!  It's great.  I love hearing Cadyn say (while doing Spelling homework), "DJ, where have I heard that before?  It sounds familiar." Austin replies, "DJ from Full House."

Of course, having me as their mom, we listen to Beastie Boys (have you seen Austin singing it on Facebook?  If not: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152145547951057&l=9063837995708603756) and Michael Jackson.  They sing along with both.  Cadyn was singing Billie Jean today with me.  And we busted out with some Journey yesterday as well to where we heard Austin singing it around the house as she's playing with her dolls.

I love my music, my movies, my shows, and my memories.  I remember how my mom would "sing" in the car on the way to school and work.  She would turn up INXS-Never Tear Us Apart, and I would cover my ears because I hated the song (NOT NOW...I LOVE it now).  She would play Led Zeppelin-Black Dog and we would all sing-along.  Or singing "Hey there Little Red Riding Hood, you sure are looking good, you everything that a big bad wolf would want...Aaaaarooooooo."  My dad loved to play his drums on the steering wheel when listening to Latin music and then he would hold the steering wheel with just his thumbs to where his pinkies stuck out.  Even better, the Bon Jovi war with my brother (You give love-a cinnamon name...don't ask, because I have no clue).  The best though is listening to Johnny Mathis on Christmas morning.  It is now necessary!

I am sitting here wondering, which of these moments that I cherish so much with my daughters, will they remember and talk to their friends and family about.  Only time will tell.

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