I just can't seem to keep up with this! There's been a bunch going on. Let's begin in August.
Cadyn is having a great time in Kindergarten. She thinks she is a teenager! Here is a picture from the first day of school.
She is in hip hop class with one of her best friends, Natalie. She is pretty uncoordinated, but so
fun to watch!
Cadyn got a surprise when we went to Orlando for my cousin Bridget's wedding...we took her to Universal Studios to the Harry Potter experience. Austin had many firsts on this trip as well--first plane ride, which she did fantastic, and her first carousel ride. She said "Whoa!" and wanted to ride "again...more, more."
The best river raft ride I've ever ridden was the Popeye ride. Here is Cadyn's face as we are hitting the first rapid:
Here are some pictures of our beautiful family at the wedding:
For Halloween, I convinced Chris to join us in a family costume as Alice in Wonderland.
Cadyn also went to her first real concert at the beginning of November with Natalie to see JUSTIN BEIBER!!
She fell asleep halfway through. Too funny!

Next comes Cadyn's 6th birthday...yes, she's 6 now! I can't believe it either! We had the party at Pump it Up again. This is the 3rd time...we love it there. We had friends and family join us to celebrate. It was a great time.
We had Thanksgiving with my parents and grandmother and on Thanksgiving day, we went to Aunt Sherry's and had yummy lunch. We then spent Black Friday at home smoking a chicken and making ribs. Fabian, Thomas and Kristie came over to hang with us and watch National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Today we went to the Chuy's Parade downtown for the first time and hung out with new friend Gloria and her daughter Sophie. After the parade and lunch, we went and visited Wendy and Bryan and new addition Harper! Cadyn and Austin loved it.
So we are now caught up for the most part. One last thing, Austin is talking so much now. She is a bossy pants. She tells us to "Sit." When I ask her to go get something, she says, "Mommy get it." She loves books and is learning colors and animals and the sounds they make. She knows monkey says "Eee Eee" (thanks to Aito and Aita), cow goes moo, puppy says "woof," kitty ("keety")says "meow,"duck says "cack" and this week she learned horse ("ho") says neigh. She loves the sky and talks about all the things that are in the sky. "Moon" and "Agua" (she calls the clouds this, which is technically right) and when the sun is in her eyes, she says, "Sun, hot." She loves the birds and planes and trees that she sees when she looks up. Oh my goodness, did I mention her shoe obsession?!?! She loves to wear shoes, get other people's shoes and put them on, and put on high heels of any kind! She thinks they are "pwiwee" (pretty). Oh, and when we put her shoes on, she always says "Ow." Well, let's see, she says "ow" to everything that touches her. Pepper steps on her foot accidentally, "Pepper, Ow." The book hits her hand, "Book, ow. No, no book." Too cute. And to go with the season, when she sees Santa, she now says, "Ho, Ho." She learned this from watching Elf. Merry Christmas all and I will leave you with some cute little videos.