I met Sarah last year at school. She taught 4th grade bilingual and I was 2nd grade bilingual. We didn't really talk much last year for whatever reason. This year though, we became close. We share opinions, are honest, and can tell each other anything. She is an amazing individual and teacher. She really looks after her kiddos. She is the most real person I know. She is selfless and I love her random gifts and surprises she gets me because they come from the heart. I will miss her much next year at school. Actually, she is already missed! I love her Gluten-free heart!

Katie, Heather, and Darby were the other close friendships I made this year. I felt like I could
tell them anything at anytime. I feel like they are the kind of people that would also tell me the honest truth about anything I ask of them. Actually, I expect that and respect it! They are all
awesome teachers that I admire and look up to. Katie is an awesome person that always makes me smile. I can't imagine her being mad. She is so sweet and knows how to booty bump!
Heather doesn't have an unorganized bone in her body. She is the cleanest most organized person ever. Hopefully it will rub off on me next year. She makes me laugh and we can talk about boys (hers of course) for days. I will tell her the truth though! ;) Darby is fun, fun, fun.
Well, they all are, or they couldn't be my friends! :) She, along with all the other girls, is also selfless. She deserves the best! She is my belching partner and the other "Dirty D."
Well all I gotta say is thanks to these girls for being there for me this past year and listening to
all my problem and concerns and giving me the best advice. Love you girls!

Sauce for Katie's 30th Birthday
Contenders after Xmas Party
At the Highball
Spotlight after Large Marge
Sauce at Speakeasy for Katie's 30th
Sarah's Birthday Dinner

At Contender's-Hideous Shots and Cheeeeeeseburger